Thankful for CAIR: Strength in Diversity
As the daughter of Cuban immigrants and entrepreneurs, Thania Diaz Clevenger learned the values of hard work and persistence from her parents. Having lived under the communist regime in Cuba, they also taught her to “treasure and defend the freedom and equality they found in the U.S.’’ Their example shaped the person she is today.
Thania connected with her passion for justice and equality at Stetson University’s College of Law where she was particularly drawn to the subject of the protection and furtherance of civil rights. Later, she travelled the American South and had many personal conversations with Freedom Riders, activists, and others involved in the Civil Rights movement. Thania brings these formative experiences, along with the ethos instilled in her by her immigrant parents, to her work as CAIR National’s Chief Operating Director.
Having started her work at CAIR in 2011 as CAIR Florida’s Civil Rights Director, Thania says she has come to recognize the beauty of Islam over the years. Though not a Muslim herself, she says she has grown spiritually as well as professionally throughout the course of her work. “Fighting for my clients gave me energy. Educating people about misconceptions gave me hope,” Thania says.
Over her decade at CAIR, Thania has discovered a sometimes overlooked core value of Islam: strength in diversity. “CAIR embodies this message in its appointment of me to direct the operations of the largest Muslim civil liberties organization,” she said. Thania is grateful for the openness of CAIR staff and supporters. “I have never met a group of people more dedicated and sincere to practice what is being preached.”
We know you agree with Thania that the “fight for justice, equitable policies, and understanding is paramount.” On the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people around the world take part in a global movement to give back and make the world a better place. This year, Giving Tuesday is November 30th. We hope you’ll remember CAIR in this season of gratitude and giving, insha Allah. As Thania said, “to meet the mission of this organization it is going to take many people to resist and persist.”